Algonquin is located in the eastern region of Ontario, northeast of Toronto and northwest of Ottawa. It can be reached from either centre in a just a few hours and is only a couple of hours further from Montreal. All of these cities have International Airports
Niagara Outdoors for Tuesday, July 29, 2008 ~ Reprinted Algonquin Canoe Trip Filled with Thrills, Spills and More By Bill Hilts, Jr. A group of 14 outdoor adventurers from Pendleton Center United Methodist Church set out into the wilderness of Algonquin Provincial Park in Northern Ontario, Canada to canoe a path of water, extreme nature experiences and a unique faith journey for a total of 31 miles - not counting portages. This Second Annual
Canoeing With Christ trek into the wilds of Canada was met with
excitement, anticipation and a little bit of trepidation of what the
future would hold in the way of stamina, bugs, weather conditions
and the like. Some people, like Jeanne Prendergast of Pendleton,
have never canoed to any significant extent so there was an element
of uncertainty - could she make the long paddles or could she deal
with the "roughing it" element of such a hard trip? The answers
wouldn't be very far away. We arrived at Mew Lake Campground on
Monday afternoon to meet up with the entire gang of canoe
enthusiasts ready to take an outdoor journey that could best be
compared to the same journey we deal with every day as we meander
down life's path. We headed out Tuesday morning from our Canoe Lake access point and Jaynes headed over to the canoe rental station. It was a good 5 to 10 seconds that the canoe was in the water before Jaynes flipped the 16-foot water vessel and he was submerged before the water's surface. It wasn't a very good start - this could be a long trip. We proceeded to load all our gear for the next five days. Immediately, the Bob Seger song "Against the Wind" came to mind as we paddled to the first portage leading to Joe, Little Joe and Baby Joe lakes. Luck was with us as we were able to paddle or pull the canoe through two more portages with a final destination of Burnt Island Lake. However, no matter where we stroked our way forward, the canoes seemed to be against it. Another song that came to mind was Herman Hermit's "Hungry." We kept waiting to stop for lunch only to find out that there was no lunch and everyone should have had snacks to tide them over. We found this out as we set up camp. We ended up eating an early dinner of freeze dried chicken and rice. Case was the lucky lottery winner by finding the piece of meat on her plate. Still, it was food and there was plenty of it. Actually, the freeze dried meals, for the most part, came out surprisingly well. Camping was divided into
two groups and two separate campsites. Our group consisted of
Dabb, Case, Jaynes, Pasisz, "Connie" and me. The remainder of the
CWC group was the second site. We were close enough to see each
other and convene each evening for a devotional lesson around the
campfire. One of the reasons that songs come to mind was because
Crawford surprised everyone by bringing along his guitar on the
trip. It was a most welcome addition around the campfire. Pasisz and
Bova led each of the respective groups. Each had a pulley system
outside camp to hang food and any "smellables" to avoid any chance
for animal conflicts - especially black bears. Bova's group needed
to improvise a little that first interior night when their bag
branch broke and they opted to keep their food in a canoe that
extended out into the water. It helped that most of the male
contingent had Boy Scout experience, with Pasisz also contributing
some military background that involved outdoor survival. It was a
diverse group that worked well together for the good of all.
Teamwork was an important factor, especially along the portages.
That became evident on day three. Our next destination was Otterslide Lake. Before we headed out, we cast a line to take some nice bass off a rock point on worm harnesses and floating jig heads. While they initially told us no live bait was allowed, worms were still acceptable and they did the trick on fish up to about four pounds. After a communion celebration on the water, off we went - against the wind - to our only portage of the day. It was 780 meters long and a good test of our strength. This is when you question why you brought certain items along, like the tent, a canoe and anything else that weighed more than a pound. Just when I was starting to feel good about myself, down the path comes Bridgette - carrying our canoe! And she had a pack on! Well, she is much younger. That's how the portages went, everyone helping each other and making the trip that much more enjoyable. Some of the lessons that were taught around the campfire deal with fellowship, how to fix broken relationships and taking time to enjoy the little things in life as we travel on our journey. In the fast-paced world of today, take the time to experience all of God's wonders by slowing down. This trip was a good example. The next two days we stayed on Otterslide, a lake that Jaynes and I were convinced that its Indian name was "land of small fish." On one expedition, we encountered a portage that led to a marsh and small lake that just the two of us decided to explore. It turned out to be a bug-infested swamp that had no mercy on our exposed skin. On the way back to camp, Jaynes had the bright idea of picking up some firewood for camp. One thing led to another and the next thing I new I was underneath the canoe as Jaynes looked on chuckling. Did I mention that Jaynes failed to realize that his ground mat blew up to give him a cushion until the second night? I could have let him go the whole trip that way, but I opted to be a nice guy. Author
Bill Hilts Jr. w/ Bass We were now in Littledoe Lake that would bring us through Teepee, Joe and Canoe lakes. A little 290-meter portage seemed like a cakewalk as we headed into the final stretch. Did I mention that we were paddling into the wind? The journey was complete, a total of 31 miles on the water as we made our circle tour to the constant sounds of the tremelo of the loon. That was another constant no matter where we went or what we did. As we sat around the campfire, the tremelo turned to a wail as they started to settle down for the night. Despite a sore butt,
aching muscles and a driving thirst that was craving for a cold
drink, the trip was well worth it. It took us on several journeys
that helped to give us a different kind of nourishment for both the
body and soul. It recharged our batteries and gave us all a greater
appreciation for the big picture. We'll be back, to answer the call
of the wild. The final song? "Looks like we made it!" by Barry
Manilow. |
Algonquin Provincial Park Video, Sounds and Song [5 min]
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