the Niagara River with John Long
An Outdoors Niagara Exclusive!
Fishing the Niagara River Successfully
Updated February 1 2007
Reprinted with permission of John
Sander's, Author of Sander's Fishing Guide, First Edition, and John Long
Part 2 of 2 Back to part 1
next drift [Stella] is several miles down the river off Stella
Niagara School. Again, I like to fish fairly close to shore, just far
enough out to be sure the current takes you on a good drift. On days of
heavy boat traffic you will have to fish in deeper water. This
drift begins where the high banks end and the Stella “Flats” begin.
The Little Chapel is a good landmark. It is a long drift ending around
the next major downstream point at the Joseph Davis Park fishing dock.
Just below that is the Johnson Drift. It can be productive if the
wind is right, but is far down on my priority list. The
Coast Guard Drift begins in front of the Fort Niagara State Park
boat launch and continues past the Coast Guard Station out into the
lake. It is not a long drift for walleyes, but it is a tremendous spot
for smallmouth bass if you start further upstream and drift out into the
lake. For walleye I like to drift it very close to the dock. It is very
snaggy and must be fished with great care. Returning
up the Canadian side of the river your voyage will take you past the
historic Old Fort George. Even before there was a smallmouth
fishery in the lower Niagara a good fisherman could pick up the
occasional bass in these waters. Now it is excellent for bass but not a
good walleye drift. The
next drift upstream is above the marina. It is called the Jackson
Drift and begins at the ruins of an old concrete dock extending
downstream to the point above the marina. It is an excellent for walleye
drift and like Stella always produces big fish. Vary your distance from
shore until you hit fish. The
Pine Drift, sometimes called the Lone Pine Drift today, is another
favorite of mine. It ends at the next major point above the Jackson
Drift and begins somewhat upstream from the beginning of the Stella
Drift. Fish moderately close to shore. It holds some nice fish. I
like to trade back and forth between the Pine, Stella, and the Jackson
until I find the fish. Following
the river further upstream to the next big point you come to the Queenston
Long Drift. It ends at the point. This is an excellent place for
smallmouth when you fish the eddies near the weedlines. The drift begins
several hundred feet below the Queenston Docks, just above the
small boat launch. This is a very productive drift. It can be fished
close to shore or some distance out. I always experiment on this drift. The
Queenston Back Drift is unique in that your drift will take you
upstream towards the gorge. It is a very fast drift, fishable in nearly
every wind direction. It begins some distance out from the south end of
the Queenston Dock, sweeps you in toward shore off the sand piles and
continues very close to shore until it swings you right out into the
middle of the river. As you start out toward the center, reel in and go
back to the beginning. This is an excellent backup drift if the winds
are bad on the others. Wind
is a serious problem for drift fishermen on the river. A strong north
wind makes things miserable, since all but the Back Drift are northbound
and the wind stops your boat dead in the water. Gentle south winds are
the best, but the high banks let you fish on the leeward drifts if the
wind is out of the east or west. Heavy
boat traffic, especially that of the high-speed variety, will drive the
fish to deeper water. Start close to shore early in the morning, as you
start to se more boat activity, particularly on weekends, and fishing
seems to slack off, try moving out to deeper water. The old timers never varied their terminal tackle with the exception of the color of the spinner or the fly. The time-honored rig consisted of a three-way swivel attached to the end of the line. To one eye attach an 8-pound leader with a spinner the size of your thumbnail attached to it. The spinner can vary from copper to silver to brass, and some days a hammered finish seems to work better. Flies vary from the time-honored “Yellow Sally” to White Millers, Eries, and various fluorescent shades. Don’t be afraid to try a variety of them. For some reason, this can make a difference. Finally, attach an 8-inch length of 6-pound test leader to the last eye of the swivel. Depending on the wind, add a sinker of somewhere near an ounce. Add a half of a night crawler to the hook and you are in business. Fish right on the bottom, bouncing or carefully dragging with just enough line out to touch. When a fish hits I always allow it to tug at the bait for a second or two before I strike. Other fishermen disagree. You’ll have to develop your own technique. Some anglers, especially on quiet days, cast and let the rig settle to the bottom then slowly reel in as they drift. This works well where there are few snags. Some
drifts have more snags than others, but all have areas where you can
comfortably drag bottom. I always have the most problems at the Artpark
Drift and the Coast Guard Drift, although the Stella Drift
and the Back Drift also have bad spots. You’ll soon learn
the areas that require special care. The light leader on your sinker
will allow you to break off a lot of snags without losing all of your
rig. Don’t let the snags keep you from fishing right on the bottom.
That is where the walleyes seem to stay. One
advantage that the old timers’ boats had over most of today’s were
oarlocks and the ability to keep the boat drifting straight by keeping
one oar active in the water. An electric trolling motor can be used for
the same purpose today. Modern boats have more freeboard and are higher
in the water. Wind has much more effect on them. They will drift better
in light winds, but mush faster in stronger winds. A heavier sinker may
solve the problem in these cases and some fishermen resort to
backtrolling. Walleyes
are sometimes caught from shore in the lower river. Casting in the gorge
results in some nice fish, but is impossible to target one species in
those waters. It is not uncommon to catch walleye, lake trout, rainbows,
and bass from the same place using the same lure. For those who wish to
target walleyes and fish from shore, the best place is from the Artpark
dock downstream past the storm water outlet. White jigs work well and
some good fish are caught there. Night fishing for walleyes was quite common forty years ago. It was accomplished by anchoring with a lantern hanging over the side of the boat. Minnows were used as bait because the light drew in schools of minnows. Most action was the very beginning of the Back Drift and below the Lewiston sand dock. It might be interesting to try it again. The
lower Niagara River enjoys a tremendous smallmouth population. The gorge
is of course, excellent for any species, but bass cooperate all summer.
It is truly a shore fisherman’s bonanza and casting lures and
spinnerbaits of all kinds work well. Bait fishermen use soft-shelled
crabs, leeches, and minnows with much success, although less desirable
fish play havoc with live bait. All
of the walleye drifts produce smallmouth bass, but usually near eddies
and close to shore. Sheepshead usually makes short work of live bait,
but rattling lures and other popular bass baits work well along the weed
lines. Jigs and weighted Twisters are probably the most effective lures. The
best place for bass is the Coast Guard area and out into the lake
on “The Bar”. Fish the bar in about 18 feet of water, generally by
trolling. The area around the first green buoy is excellent. Drifting
the area a mile past the one-mile buoy is very productive, as is
trolling about a quarter mile offshore both east and west of the river.
The water is about 12 to 18 feet deep on the Canadian side. The drift
along the clay banks just below the sand docks produces well if you fish
just off the drop off. Panfish
are available in large numbers in the lower Niagara. Yellow Perch are
available to shore fishermen off the Lewiston sand docks, Artpark,
the Queenston dock, Joseph Davis Park dock, and the Youngstown dock.
For boaters the “Wagon Wheels” below the foot of Tuscarora Street
off Lewiston is a great producer, and lake trout and silver bass are
abundant there in June. Anchor about 50 feet from shore and use worms or
minnows. The same is true just below the Lewiston and the Queenston
sand docks and at Peggy’s Eddy near Joseph Davis Park. Silver
bass fishing is good throughout the river, but nothing short of
spectacular at the Power Authority plant in the gorge in late June and
early July. These fish can be a real pest to perch fishermen. The
Power Authority has constructed a new fishing pier. It offers truly
superb fishing in the spectacular setting of the Niagara Gorge. This
facility is truly the “icing on the cake” for the already tremendous
lower Niagara River fishery. It provides excellent bass and walleye
fishing in addition to the superb salmonid fishing already enjoyed
there. My father was right when he told me that no one could ever take my education away. But he missed another treasure that will never leave me either. That is my memories of the old days on the river. They remain vivid, and I only speculate on the memories the young people of today will have of the rebirth of the lower Niagara River. We are on the brink of something wonderful! Go to “Yellow Sally” page |
For Information on fishing the Upper Niagara River GO HERE There is a lot of information about how to fish it, hot spots, and a hand drawn map |
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