"The most complete and up to date outdoors website on the planet"

as of March 16 2006
[See message below]

So much for doing my part and attempting 
to help promote the Outdoors in New York State!

A MESSAGE TO MY VIEWERS ON THIS WEB SITE: The following letter was received from Cathleen Kittle, Acting Chief Bureau of Publications and Internet New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. I can no longer have this report shortcut here for you according to the email shown below nor can I have the logo anywhere. The email is self explanatory.  In a round-a-bout nice way, I am breaking the laws of the land in New York State I'm told. Make sure you read my nice response below too. Sorry for the inconvenience! 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cathy Kittle" <[email protected]
To: <[email protected]
Cc: "James Markham" <[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 2:29 PM 

Subject: Jim Markham Fishing Reports and Use of DEC logo

Dear Mr. Daul:

I am writing to you concerning the following webpage http://www.outdoorsniagara.com/markhamreport.htm which is on your website.

I am glad that you find the information that DEC provides useful for your audience. Several of the fishing reports you currently have on your website are originally created for DEC's public website by DEC staff. Instead of reformatting DEC's content, it would be preferable to have you link to our website which provides a lot of related fishing information. This way we can ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information and it would be less work for you. I am also asking that you remove the DEC logos from your website because the unsanctioned use of DEC's logo is a copyright violation.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Cathleen Kittle

Cathleen Kittle, 
Acting Chief Bureau of Publications and Internet New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 
625 Broadway, 2nd Floor 
Albany, NY 12233-4500


Hello Cathy.

All DEC material/information will removed for you ASAP [this weekend] as per your nicely written request. I did find Mr. Markham's report useful for my viewers and I do have a link from another page directing people directly to the Markham/DEC site and that will be gone too. Mr. Markham sure does a fine report! I will make a note on the page that the Markham report is no longer available here for those that have it book marked.

Thank You 
Mark Daul www.OutdoorsNiagara.com 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cathy Kittle" <[email protected]
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: "James Markham" <[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 2:29 PM 
Subject: Jim Markham Fishing Reports and Use of DEC logo



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