Northern Snakeheads Video
From The Times Herald Record, serving New York's Hudson Valley area ~ Go here to read the newspaper
"The northern snakehead is an invasive fish
native to China, Russia and Korea. Other snakehead species are native to
parts of Asia and Africa. Two populations of this air-breathing predator
have been identified in New York State".....Learn more on the NYSDEC
website page HERE You will learn what they look like, what to do if you see or catch one, how to get a hold of your nearest DEC office to make your report and more. From DEC website: "Importation and interstate transport of snakeheads is prohibited under federal Lacey Act. Northern snakeheads are top predators capable of growing to at least three feet long and surviving throughout the continental US in a variety of habitats. With teeth similar to our pike and walleye, they are superb predators" There are also links to eradication plans |