Outdoors Niagara Opinion Poll
Niagara River - Lake Ontario
Fishing Regulations Proposals for 2004-2006
Information compiled for users of Outdoors Niagara.com
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As part of
the State Administrative Procedures Act (SAPA), proposed regulation changes are
subject to public review and comment. Below is a listing of the proposed changes
to New York State's freshwater fishing regulations for 2004-2006.
To submit
comments on any of the proposed changes, simply send us the following e-mail: Proposed
Freshwater Fishing Regulation Changes. To ensure we receive and can properly
review your comment(s), you must leave the subject line as it appears on the
e-mail, and be sure to indicate the Proposal ID # (s) of the regulation(s) you
are commenting on. Last day for comments is April 12, 2004.
to the high volume of comments received, we will be unable to reply to
individual submissions. However, all comments will be incorporated into a
summary and addressed in our Summary Assessment of Public Comment Regarding
Fishing Regulations, which will be posted on the web when completed.
Index on this page:
Walleye / Rainbow/Steelhead / Muskellunge
/ Atlantic Salmon
GL-1 Proposal to
change walleye season in Lower Niagara River
To shorten the walleye season in the Lower Niagara River from the current
statewide season (1st Saturday in May through March 15th)
to 1st Saturday in May to December 31st.
With a closed walleye season in January, February and early March, anglers will
not target and creel the mature walleye (large females with eggs) and thus
protect this spawning stock to deposit eggs prior to the May season opener.
During the past few years walleye stocks in some areas have been experiencing
serious population declines (Bay of Quinte). The Niagara River Anglers
Association, through their pond aquaculture project involving rearing and
stocking walleye fingerlings into the Lower River, has noticed an increase of
adult walleye in the late winter which are localized prior to spawning. These
mature fish are extremely accessible in these isolated areas and anglers are
harvesting this spawning stock prior to egg deposition. The organized sportsmen
groups in Niagara County have petitioned to close the season on December 31st.
& STEELHEAD - All Lake Ontario Tributaries
Establish a 1 fish per day creel limit for rainbow trout and steelhead in all
Lake Ontario tributaries.
Greater distribution of catch opportunity, enhancement of the status of
steelhead as a "trophy" fish.
In recent years, steelhead runs in Lake Ontario tributaries have declined
significantly. Steelhead runs are characterized by movements of fish into
tributaries during high water events. As water levels drop, available steelhead
are quickly "fished out" under the existing three fish per day daily
creel limit. The proposed regulation is intended to increase the length of time
that steelhead are available to anglers in tributaries and provide the
opportunity to catch a steelhead to more anglers.
- St. Lawrence River Lake Ontario Lower Niagara River
Proposal GL-4
To extend the open season for muskellunge from November 30 to December 15 for
the St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario, and the Lower Niagara River.
Angler success rates for muskellunge increase in late fall. This proposal will
expand trophy muskellunge angling opportunities.
Per joint NYSDEC/Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Muskellunge Management
Plan, maintain common regulations for muskellunge (Ontario extending season to
December 15 effective 01/01/04).
SALMON Lower Niagara River (Niagara Co.)
Proposal GL-9
Lower Niagara River: correct regulations for Atlantic salmon so that only one
fish 25 inches can be harvested.
Reduced harvest of Atlantic salmon in the Lower Niagara River.
Minimize harvest of Atlantic salmon in the Lower Niagara River.
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Index on this page:
Walleye / Rainbow/Steelhead / Muskellunge
/ Atlantic Salmon