Niagara County Federation Meeting Minutes Archive 2004
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Miniutes December
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2004 MINUTES [Posted January
20 2005] V.P. Chris Schotz informed delegates that it is the custom of the NCFCC to start the December meeting with election officers, and then turn the meeting over to the incoming president. Nomination of officers carried forward from the October meeting: President:
John Butcher Conservation Council, and Greg Tessman as the Alternate Delegate, second by Gordon Botting Sr., carried. Motion by Dale Dunkelberger nominations for 2005 officers be closed, 2nd by Gordon Botting Sr, carried. Motion by Gordon Botting Sr. that secretary John Butcher cast one vote for the officers nominated for President, Vice President, Treasurer, and NYS Conservation Council Delegate & 2 nd Alternate Delegate, 2nd. by Dale Dunkelberger, carried. Motion by Chris Schotz Treasure Gordon Botting Sr cast one vote for Secretary, 2nd. by Dale Dunkelberger, carried. V. P. Chris Schotz thanked outgoing President Greg Tessman for his service, and called for a round of applause in appreciation of Greg’s service to the NCFCC in 2004. Vice President Chris Schotz then turned the meeting over to 2005 President John Butcher. Guest Speakers: No Speaker Secretary Report: Motion to accept secretary’s report by Bob Kerns, 2nd by Dale Dunkelberger, carried. Treasurers Report: Motion to accept the financial report presented by Gordon Botting Sr. was made by Dale Dunkelberger, 2nd by John Chilott, carried. Minutes: Sick Call: No Report Correspondence: COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget and Fund Raising: John Butcher reported that
he auctioned a knife during the The NCFCC knife with the flawed engraving was raffled at the December meeting amongst the delegates, tickets went for $5:00 each, winner Chris Schotz, total raised $ 95.00. Sport Fishing: Paul Jackson Niagara Rivers Anglers association is working with the town of Lewiston looking to put a small dock in at fisherman’s wharf (shoreline accesses only for fishermen, no boats). Paul would also like to speak to sportsmen clubs about the Pen Project in Olcott contact Paul at 741-4780. Small Game: Chris Schotz wild pheasant populations appear to be down this year, and 2004 fall turkey counts appear to be low also. 4H Pheasant Program: No report Water Fowl: Don Bronson — Goose Season: Southern Zone Will run a straight 70 days 2 bird limit/day October 23 through December 31. West Central Zone (Lake Ontario Lower River Area) Currently Closed will reopen December 27 and run till January 10, 3 bird limit/day. Duck Season Western Zone will reopen December 27 till January 9th Canvass back will be open, Pintail is closed. If you have any questions on the season or bag limits please contact the DEC. Big Game: Dale Dunkelberger reported that the entail big game counts for deer takes appear to be low contributing factors; deer got early winter coats combined with warm weather and low hunter turn out; the deer bedded down and were just not moving. Unofficial report deer take down 25% state wide, and 33% Region 9. Bear sighting are up. Hunter Safety: Don Bronson 2004 classes are all finished no new classes till January 2005 LaSalle Sportsmen has a class in scheduled in January, and Niagara County Sportsmen has one in February. All hunter education instructors should get class schedules turn in for 2005 posters. Habitat: Dave Whitt report that Pheasants forever have the following habitat project in the works: Canton Hills WHIP 1000 acres $25,000 project, John White Game Farm WHIP 200 acres $30,000 project, and Sulphur Springs 300 acres applying for WHIP Habitat application forms from Pheasants Forever will be available at the NCFCC January Niagara County Fair: No Report C.F.A.B.: Bill Hilts Sr. - NY State License sales
down over the last 3 years. HSUS have merged two organizations to
protect animal rights, have targeted NY State will attack Bow Hunters
and Trappers first. Region 9 Fish and Wild Life Board: No Report NYS Conservation Council: Gerry Bennett reported
that the Conservation Council will hold its next meeting on January 30
2005, location Upcoming events: Youth event intro to small game,
Saturday December 18th at Firearm Legislation: No Report Awards Banquet: Gordon Botting Sr., Mark
Richardson, and Jose Wilskowski have volunteered to run banquet. All
other delegates and club members are welcome to help. Don’t forget to
start thinking nominations. Banquet date is Saturday April 2nd, 2005.
Location: Masonic Hall, Patches: John Butcher. — Presented a quote from Promotional Solutions for 2005 patches, 200 patches for $ 430.00. Motion to purchase patches if we can get all colors needed to do patches for $430.00 by Gordon Botting SR, second by Mark Richardson, carried. Rosters: John Butcher reminded delegates many clubs will be holding elections in December and January, asked them to fill out rosters and return ASAP so we can update mailing list for 2005. Youth Education: Mark Richardson — OLD BUSINESS D&O Insurance quotation has been submitted NEW BUSINESS President John Butcher announced he is willing to
travel to any NCFCC Club to speak with the officers, and members about
the Federation, and how we can work together for the betterment of
sportsmen issues in Dale Dunkelbereger expressed concerns over a
newspaper article that talked about turning the John White game farm
into Dale Shank reported that dog owners should be
concerned over reported cases of Leptospirosis. It can be found in
standing water, or it can be gotten from contact with Raccoons, Skunks,
Possums, and Rodents. Early signs weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, and
dog acting lethargic. 58 cases reported in CLUB REPORTS LaSalle Sportsmen’s Club: Dave Jacobs — Wild Game Dinner, Sunday February 27, 2005 1PM till 5PM. U.A. W. Pistol Group: Gordon Botting SR - .U.A.W. 29 shooters signed up for pistil league. Pioneer Sportsmen Club: Bob Kerns- Pioneer will be holding a meeting to start a Family Fishing Instruction Program. S.C.O.P.E.: William Mudge — I would like to
welcome everyone to attend the next Scope Meeting on January 19, 2005.
State Scope President Ken Mathison is going to be the quest speaker.
American Legion Post 410, Motion to adjourn, Dale Dunkelberger, 2nd. Dave Whitt, carried. Respectfully submitted,
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2004 Minutes
Niagara County Federation of Conservation Clubs November 2004 Meeting held on the 29th. Called to order at 7:00 pm by President Chris Greg Tessmann at the 4-H Bldg., Lockport, New York. Guest Speakers: Ken Mathison of S.C.O.P.E., Ken informed NCFCC that he is now working full-time for S.C.O.P.E. and would like to grow the organization so he has a full-time support staff. He has been busy over the past year working on the following issues: .50 Caliber Rifle Ban, Renewable Pistol Permit, and Large Capacity Magazines. Any club that would like more information about S.C.O.P.E. can contact Ken by phone 585-663-874 1, or Cell: 585-967-1040. He would be happy to speak to any club or sportsmen's organization. Club membership 100 Members or less $25.00 Year. Secretary Report: Motion to accept secretary's report with the following change (2nd to the motion to accept Treasures report for the October minutes should have read Dave Jacobs, was nd incorrectly listed as Dave Kerns; motion to accept minutes with changes by Bob Kerns, 2 by Dale Dunkelburger, carried. Treasurers Report: Motion to accept the financial report presented by Gordon Botting Sr. was made by Dale Dunkelburger, 2nd by Dale Shank, carried. Minutes: Sick Call: No Report Correspondence: Pres. Greg Tessmann reported he received a Grant Application Form to apply for funds created by the Habitat Stamp. Paul Jackson voiced concerns that the Habitat Stamp Grant Application process was created in a manor that prohibited sportsmen's clubs from applying. COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget and Fund Raising: John Butcher reported that the NCFCC still has a couple limited editions 2004 knifes left; John encouraged delegates to take them back to their clubs and raffle them off during the Holiday season this will be a great time of year to sell them. John requested one for Rapids Rod & Gun Club, and Dale Shank took one for the Niagara River Anglers. John Butcher will contract Knife Companies to get some proposals for 2005. Sport Fishing: Paul Jackson informed delegates that there is Federal Grant Money available to Schools (Physical Education Departments) Grants are for supplies needed for taking Kids Fishing. (See Insert) L.O.T.S.A. and the town of Newfane are collaborating to start a Pen Rearing Project in the Town of Newfane. They expect to start with about 20,000 Chinock Salmon, the Niagara River Anglers Association has pledged support and will be selling them pens. NYS fish hatcheries are severely under funded, encourage all sportsmen to send a letter of support requesting adequate funding to the NYS Hatchery System. Send To: Commissioner Erin Crotty NYS Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233 Motions by Paul Jackson; to have Pres. Greg Tessmann send a letter stating that the NCFCC and its 6000 plus members support funding for the NYS Fish Hatcheries, 2nd by Dale Dunkelburger, carried. Federal hatcheries are also experiencing similar problems and there is a possibility that the hatcheries may be privatized. Small Game: No Report 4H Pheasant Program: No report Water Fowl: Don Bronson - Goose Season: Southern Zone Will run a straight 70 days 2 bird limit/day October 23 through December 31. West Central Zone (Lake Ontario Lower River th Area) Currently Closed will reopen December 27 and run till January 10, 3 bird limit/day. th Duck Season Western Zone will reopen December 27 till January 9 . Canvass back will be open, Pintail is closed. If you have any questions on the season or bag limits please contact the DEC. Hunter Safety: Don Bronson 2004 classes are all finished no new classes till January 2005. Habitat: No Report Niagara County Fair: No Report C.F.A.B.: No Report Region 9 Fish and Wild Life Board. No Report NYS Conservation Council: Dan Tone reported the council was busy in 2004 with these activities; Open Fields Bill, Blaze Orange Bill, Rifle Season Southerntier, and doubling the capacity of pheasant stocking. Upcoming events: Youth event intro to small game, Saturday December 18th at Gander Mountain: 9:00 AM Squirrel Hunting, 10:00 AM Rabbit Hunting, 11:00AM Pheasant Hunting, 12:00 Noon Turkey Hunting 1:00PM DEC Conservation President. Firearm Legislation: Bill Mudge reminded everyone that to take advantage of the service S.C.O.P.E. is offering to sportsmen on firearms related issues know that Ken Mathison is working for them full-time. Awards Banquet: No Report Patches: Need to contact Pam Lederhouse and see if she can contact vendor so we can place an order for 2005 patches. Rosters: John Butcher distributed rosters to those clubs holding elections in December and January, asked them to fill out and return so we can update mailing list for 2005. Youth Education: No Report OLD BUSINESS Election of officers December 2004 meeting, nominations made at the October meeting President - John Butcher was nominated by Gordon Botting SR.,
2nd by Dave Jacobs, carried. Big Game: Dale Dunkelburger reported that the entail big game counts for deer takes appear to be low, contributing factors low hunter turn out and warm weather. NEW BUSINESS NCFCC Holiday party - Wednesday, December 15,2004 at 7:00PM Cornell Cooperative Extension. Please bring a dish to pass. CLUB REPORTS LaSalle Sportsmen's Club: Dave Jacobs - Wild Game Dinner, Sunday February 27,20051PM till 5PM. (See Insert) Hartland Conservation Club: 1) Breakfast with Santa, December 12, 2004 9AM till Noon. 2) Silhouette Shoot December through March, Noon till? 3) Trap shooting Starts December 5, 2004 l0AM, Blizzard League Starts January 2, 2005 10AM. Niagara Orleans Friends of the NRA: John Butcher reported that the 2005 "Gun of the Year" tickets are available; this year's gun is a Kimber 45 ACP Eclipse Pistol. Those purchasing tickets that would prefer an alternative have the option of substituting the pistil for a Kimber .22-250 Varmint Rifle.(See Insert) Iroquois Arms Collectors: William Mudge - Election of officers December 8th, 2004 Twin City: Marc Richardson - 4H Youth Shoot, December 11, ages 12-18 years of age, fee $5.00. Election of officers December 12, 2004 U.A.W. Pistol Group: Gordon Botting SR -.U.A.W. will be starting a winter league first meeting Friday December 3, 2004 will run for 16 weeks. Can shoot from 8:00 AM till 12:00 Noon or from 1:00 PM till 6:00PM. Niagara River Anglers Association: Paul Jackson - Christmas Party December 20, LaSalle Sportsmen Club starting at 7PM all welcome. Pioneer Sportsmen Club: Bob Kerns- Pioneer will be holding a meeting to start a Family Fishing Instruction Program. S.C.O.P.E.: William Mudge - Would like to welcome everyone to attend the next Scope Meeting on January 19, 2005. State Scope President Ken Mathison is going to be the quest speaker. American Legion Post 410, 26 Niagara St, Lockport, NY at 7:00PM Motion to adjourn, Dale Shank, 2nd Gerald Bennett, carried. Respectfully submitted, John Butcher Secretary, NCFCC For information about the NCFCC including minutes, and upcoming
events check us out at |
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Niagara County Federation of Conservation Clubs October
2004 Meeting held on the 25 Secretary Report: Motion to accept secretary's report
by Gerry Bennett, 2nd by Gordon Botting SR, carried. Treasurers Report: Motion to accept the financial
report presented by Gordon Botting Sr. was made by Bob Kerns, 2nd by Dave
Kerns, carried. Minutes: Sick Call: No Report Correspondence: VP Chris Schotz noted the NCFCC
received a Thank You card from retired ECO Dick Lange, Dick wanted to
express his appreciation to the NCFCC for the award we presented him at
his retirement party. COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget and Fund Raising: Hartland conservation Club
raised $90.00, and the 3F Club raised $240.00 by holding raffles for the
NCFCC with our limited edition Buck Knifes. Gordon Bottting Sr. presented a plan submitted by Larry Koch
to run a $50.00 raffle will review at the November 1~ planning meeting. John Butcher reported that Sport Fishing: No Report Small Game: DEC and Safari Club have released pheasants
in Water Fowl: Duck season is open Big Game: Bow season is underway, unclaimed doe tags
can be picked up November 1st Hunter Safety: Hartland Conservation Club held an
October Hunter Education Class 52 people attended. Habitat:
No Report C.F.A.B.: No
Report Region 9 Fish and Wild Life Board: No Report NYS Conservation Council: Awards Banquet: No Report Patches:
No Report Rosters:
No Report Youth Education: No Report OLD BUSINESS VP Chris Schotz called for a vote by NCFCC delegates; should
the NCFCC continue to purchase yearly calendars and distribute to clubs, 5
Pass, 3 Fail, 2 Abstain. (Pass) Marc Richardson has finished keyboard the by-laws and
forwarded them by email to officers for proofing. Chris Schotz has a meeting scheduled with John Long on the DIO
Insurance. NEW BUSINESS Planning meeting will be held in one of the three meeting
rooms at the Cornell Cooperative Secretary- Bill Mudge was nominated by Gordon Botting
SR., 2 by Gerald Bennett, carried. NYS Conservation Council- Marc Richardson was nominated
by Chris Schotz, 2 by John
Motion to adjourn, Dale Shank, 2nd Gerald Bennett, carried. Respectfully submitted, For information about the NCFCC including minutes, and
upcoming events check us out at |
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2004 Minutes
Niagara County Federation of Conservation Clubs September 2004 Meeting held on the 27th~ Called to order at 7:02 pm by President Gregg Tessman at the 4-H Bldg., Lockport, New York. Guest Speakers: Robert Paul (l4years of age), and Nick Paul (12 years of age) stopped by to give the NCFCC an update on there Youth DEC Camp experience. Robert and Nick also wanted to thank the NCFCC for sponsoring them. Both boys had a great time and participated in many discovery groups. Secretary Report: Motion to accept secretary's report by Gordon Botting SR., 2nd. by Gerry Benett, carried. Treasurres Report: Motion to accept the financial report presented by Gordon Botting Sr. was made by Gerry Bennett, 2nd by Marc Richardson, carried. Minutes: Sick Call: No Report Correspondence:President Greg Tessman reported he received a letter, and grant application request form from State Senator George Maiziarz. COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget and Fund Raising: John Butcher reported that he received two donations from Lori Presti to be used as raffle items at the Wild Life Festival. 1st. prize a Hunter's Hope Gift Basket donated by Jim Kelly, 2nd.Prize Hockey Cards donated by Kate Daily, and the NCFCC donated a Buck knife for third prize. Summit Print Mail donated the raffle tickets, and Gordon Botting Sr., John Butcher and John's daughter Ashley volunteered to sell the tickets. A total $424.00 worth of tickets were sold. Special thanks to the Niagara River Anglers for their support and letting us sell tickets at their fishing pond. Winners:1st. Arnie Jonathan, 2nd. Prize: Bob Zayatz, 3rd. Prize: Pat Donohue Chris Schotz reminding delegates we still have 5 knifes left and we should move them this fall, Chris encouraged other clubs to follow Wilson Conservations Club lead, and raffle them of at their club and donated the money back to the NCFCC. The following delegates will check with their Clubs and see if they will raffle one of the a knives for the NCFCC, Matt Zarnosky, Hartland Conservation Club, Michael Thompson, Rapids Rod & Gun Club, Dale Shank, 3F Club, and Paul Jackson Niagara Rivers Anglers Association. Update on grants 1. $5000.00 Grant request sent to State Senator Maziarz requesting funds for Conservation Education Efforts. Senator Maziarz mailed an application to Pres. Greg Tessmann; Greg will fill out the application and send it in. 2. $5000.00 Grant request sent into the NRA Foundation for a Mobile Air Rifle Range. John Butcher report the application was completed and turned into the Niagara Orleans friends of the NRA. By the August 15, deadline. 3. $11,000.00 request to Niagara County Legislature requesting the full amount of our original funding. Chris Schotz, and Greg Tessman will contact Greg Lewis and our Niagara County Legislators so they can make a presentation as to why we need these funds. Pres, Greg Tessman encouraged all delegates and clubs to give him a brief report on 2004 club activities and accomplishments Greg wants the information to support our position when meeting with the legislators. Gordon Botting SR reported he also sold $170.00 worth of federation patches at the Wild Life Festival. Sport Fishing: Paul Jackson reported that the DEC is conducting a fish study at the Lewiston Sand Docks. Need volunteers to assist DEC Biologists, survey will continue through mid October. Those interested in helping should contact Mike Wilkinson at the DEC. Greater Niagara 2004 Fishing Derby, A FISH ODYSSEY, was held September 18~26th, 4 Bass were entered in the contest in the 6.51b range. Small Game: Chris Schotz reported that the NYS DEC is conducting surveys on Ruffled Grouse; if you would like to participate go to the NYS DEC Website at and down load the survey. Region 9 will get 2997 pheasants from Mike Murphy at Reynolds Game Farm. (2399 Roosters and 598 Hens). 4H Pheasant Program: Pres. Greg Tessman reported that over 65 people showed up from the Niagara County 4H Pheasant Program for a picnic at Bob Gliddons home. They also took a tour of his property and learned about pheasant habitat. Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation donated $ 500.00 to the 4H Pheasant Program. Water Fowl: No Report Big Game: No Report Hunter Safety: No Report Habitat: Chris Schotz reported that Cornell Cooperative Extension will start using the seed drill on select projects this fall, wet fields have staled plantings. Scheduled plantings will be fall cool seasons grasses. If you have piece of property that you would like to have planted in habitat grass please contact Niagara County Soil Water at 716-434-4949. Niagara County Fair: President Greg Tessmann asked delegates for feed back on the conservation tent at the Fair. John Butcher noted that the Wild Life Festival seems to get a lot more support from federation clubs than the conservation tent at the fair. Paul Jackson noted that the biggest challenge is the time; it is very difficult to get the man power needed to participate because the fair is 5 days plus runs from 9am to 9 pm, were as the festival is only two days runs from lOam to 5pm, and is on the weekend. Bill Hilts SR. noted the Wild Life Festival started out very small and seems to grow each year; it also has two distinct advantages, paid staff, and better funding. Gordon Booting SR noted that he was at the NCFCC tent for the entire fair and that the traffic counts are very slow during the week days. President Greg Tessman recommends that in the interest of time we table this discussion, and hold a special meeting to address the conservation tent. C.F.A.B.: No Report Region 9 Fish and Wild Life Board: No Report Awards Banquet: No Report Patches: Gordon Botting SR reported that there are only five patches left. Motion by Marc Richardson to put a Woodcock on the 2005 patches, 2 by Dale Shank, carried. Rosters: John Butcher asked delegates to review his attendance records, and to update club election report so we can keep our data base current. He will print a membership directory and distribute at the October meeting. Youth Education: No Report OLD BUSINESS Marc Richardson is in the process of key boarding the by-laws should have them finished by the October meeting. Chris Schotz will follow up with John Long on the D/O Insurance. The NCFCC presented a plaque to ECO Dick Lang for his many years of service to the community at his retirement party. NEW BUSINESS Planning meeting Scheduled for November 1, 2004, 7 PM Cornell Cooperative Extension. (Planning meeting will be held in one of the three meeting rooms; President Greg Tessmann will reserve a room and announce the location at the October meeting). All delegates are well come. Gordon Botting SR wanted to know if he should continue to purchase the yearly calendars we distribute to the membership. Delegate were divided as to weather this was a good use of funds. Motion by Marc Richardson to have delegates survey there respected clubs and vote at the October meeting, second by Paul Jackson, carried. John Butcher to prepare handouts for delegates to report back on Events, Committees, Personnel, and Things to do list. CLUB REPORTS Pioneer Sportsmen Club: Bob Kerns - Held a raffle at the Wildlife Festival, 1st prize fishing pole, will use proceeds to send a kid to DEC Youth Camp. Niagara River Anglers: Paul Jackson - Explained the NRAA gets numerous requests for the fishing pond. The biggest problem is getting fish; they can no longer can get red fish from Arkansas, and only have one source for trout. Had 150 trout on order for the Wild Life Festival, lost all fish in transportation to do a traffic accident, the accident created a traffic jamb delayed delivery by 2 hours, by the time the delivery vehicles got through the jam all fish were lost. Despite the set back the membership was able to round up enough pan fish to keep the pond open. Hartland Conservation Club: Matt Zarnosky - Will have a gun Raffle on Saturday, October 02, 2004 S.C.O.P.E: William Mudge - SCOPE had a very successful banquet, September 17, 2004. Guest Speakers: Wayne LaPierre Executive Vice President NRA, Sandra Froman, 1st Vice President NRA, and former Congressman Harold Volkmer. Twin City: Marc Richardson - Annual meeting and elections will be held December 19, 2004 at 8.00 pm. Location Pane's Restaurant, N. Tonawanda. Grant application submitted to NRA. 3F Club: Dale Shank, William Black, and Doug Walck attended The National Shoot at Camp Perry. While there they took the coaches' seminar so they could start a competitive rife team. 3F Youth program is open to those between 6 & 1 8years of age. Motion to adjourn, Chris Schotz, 2 Gary Lowe, carried. Respectfully submitted, John Butcher Secretary, NCFCC For information about the NCFCC including minutes, and upcoming events check us out at
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Niagara County Federation of Conservation Clubs August 2004 Meeting held on the 23rd at 7:04pm. Called to order by Vice President Chris Schotz at 4-fl Bldg., Lockport. Guest Speakers: Lori Presti, New York State Power Authority. Lori stopped by to give the NC'FIC an update on the Wild Life Festival 2004. The event will be held at the Niagara Power Project on Saturday September 25 & Sunday, September 26, 2004. Lori distributed Wildlife festival posters to the delegates and asked them to distribute them through out the county. Still have room if any club would like to have a table at the federation tent. Secretary Report: Motion to accept secretary's report by Tom Miles, 2nd. by Gary Lowe, carried. Treasurers Report: Motion to accept the financial report presented by Gordon Botting Sr. was made by Ton Miles, 2nd by John Chilcott, carried. Minutes: Sick Call: No Report Correspondence: Assemblywoman Francine DelMonte sent a letter to the NCFCC in reference to the numerous contacts she received by email, letters, and phone calls regarding the Governor's budget proposal to increase pistol permit fee to $100.00 per gun every five years. She is opposed to this fee, and was happy to report the proposed increase was rejected in the Assembly and Senate. COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget and Fund Raising: Chris Schotz reported that he received an email from Pres. Greg Tessman, Greg reported that the budget and fund raising committee has been active with its grant writing. Following request was submitted: 1. $5000.00 Grant request sent to State Senator Maiziarz requesting funds for Conservation Education Efforts. 2. $5000.00 Grant request sent into the NRA Foundation for a Mobile Air Rifle Range. 3. $11,000.00 request to Niagara County Legislature requesting the full amount of our original funding. 4. $20,000.00 requested from Niagara County Legislature for wages for the partnership postion with Cornell Cooperative Extension, for the Natural Resources Educator Position. There will be a special meeting of the Budget and Fundraising Committee on Monday, September 20, 7:3OPM at Cornell Cooperative Extension. All delegates are welcome to attend. Sport Fishing: Bill Hilts SR reported on the Greater Niagara 2004 Fishing Derby, A FISH ODYSSEY, September 1 8~26tl~(See Insert) Small Game: No Report 4H Pheasant Program: 4H Birds were released into the wild. Water Fowl: Goose season opens September 1st Big Game: No Report Hunter Safety: No Report Habitat: Chris Schotz reported that Cornell Cooperative Extension will start using the seed drill on select projects this fall, wet fields have staled plantings. Scheduled plantings will be fall cool seasons grasses. Niagara County Fair: Special thanks to Gordon Botting SR, Keith Schultz, and Marc Richardson for all their time at the Niagara County Fair. The following organizations provided displays: NWTF, Twin City, Niagara River Anglers, Niagara Musky, 4H Pheasant, USDA's RC&D, NCSW and the Niagara County Trappers. Thanks to these organizations for their support C.F.A.B.: No Report Region 9 Fish and Wild Life Board: No Report NYS State Conservation Council: No Report Firearm Legislation: No Report Awards Banquet: No Report Patches: Pam Leaderhouse reported 2004 blue pike patches are now available price $ 3.00 each. Only 8 -patches are left. Rosters: John Butcher asked delegates to review his attendance records, and to update club election report so we can keep our data base current. Youth Education: No Report OLD BUSINESS No Report NEW BUSINESS Marc Richardson is working on key boarding the by-laws, with the most current revisions, so that all delegates can get a copy CLUB REPORTS S.C.O.P.E.: Banquet, September 17,2004 Special Guest Wayne LaPierre from the NRA (See Insert) NWTF: Banquet, September 25, 2004(See Insert) Motion to adjourn, Gordon Botting SR, 2nd Pam Lederhouse, carried. Respectfully submitted, John Butcher Secretary, NCFCC For information about the NCFCC including minutes, and upcoming events check us out at |
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JULY 2004
Niagara County Federation of Conservation Clubs July 2004 Meeting held on the 26th at 7:02 pm. Called to order by President Greg Tessman at 4-1-1 Bldg., Lockport. Pledge to the flag Guest Speakers: No Guest Speakers Secretary Report: Motion to accept secretary's report by Tom Miles, 2nd by Marc Richardson, carried. Treasurers Report: Motion to accept the financial report presented by Gordon Botting Sr. was made by Ioxti Miles, 2nd by Gerry Bennett, carried. Minutes: Sick call: No Report Correspondence: President Greg Tessman reported he received a thank you letter from Niagara County Legislator William Davignon. Legislator Davignon wanted to express his appreciation to tl1e Federation for being presented with the John Daily Memorial Award COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget and Fund Raising: Pres. Greg Tessman announced that we did not meet the cut of date for minimum ticket sales for the Federation Pig Roast. There for the event will be cancelled and all money's for pre sold tickets will be refunded. NRA grants application due date is August 15th, Pres. Greg Tessman will finish grant application, and turn in to William Mudge (Niagara- Orleans Friends of the NRA, Grant Chairmen). OLD BUSINESS Gordon Botting SR and Chris Schotz went through the past years financials, and submitted a financial statement for the period 5/2003 to 5/2004. The statement will give the Federation the necessary information to assist with strategic planning, D & O Insurance, and for Grant Writing. President Greg Tessman thanked Gordy and Chris for their efforts. NEW BUSINESS Strategic Planning S.W.O.T. Analysis Strengths Youth Programs: Hunter Education, 6th Grade Field Days, Wild Life Festival (National Hunting Fishing Days) 4H Pheasant Program, Conservation Tent at Fair, Support of DEC Youth Camp. Great representation by delegates: NYSCC, WaterFowl, CFAB, Firearms Legislation, Region 9 Fish and Wild Life Board) Weakness People not volunteering to serve on comniittees Reacting to emergencies rather than having a long term plan Meetings to long, and no fun Poor Communications between fund raising committees, and delegates Opportunities Building Alliances with other organizations, and clarifying their roles and responsibilities. (Other organization may be better equipped to take over, or assist us with projects) Improve Organization Structure (Clarify roles and responsibilities of: Federation Officers, Delegates, Committee Chairs, and Volunteers) Capture lessons learned: Federation officers and Committee chairs to provide replacements with data to make transition smoother, New delegates to be given information packet (Responsibilities, By Laws etc.) Funding through Grants Recruit Volunteerism from club members (not just delegates) Budget and fundraising committee not to give up on failed events (Reevaluate Sporting Clays Shoot, and Pig Roast, start small get input from delegates at meeting, solicit support from clubs members directly by officers, and committee chairs) Threats Running out of cash (Loss of County Funds, Failed fund raisers) Manpower, not enough volunteers for events, and committees (Delegates and Officers have full plate - already wearing to many hats) Officers and delegates not always in agreement on how to achieve goals (Animosity amongst membership) Loosing Focus (Possibility we are trying to do much for the resources, and manpower we have) Motion to adjourn, Chris Schotz, 2i~d Tom Miles, carried. Respectfully submitted, John Butcher Secretary, NCFCC For information about the NCFCC including minutes, and upcoming events check us out at
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Niagara County Federation
of Conservation Clubs June 2004 Meeting held on the
21st at 7:06pm. Called to order by President Greg Tessmann at 4-11 Bldg.,
Lockport. Posted July 29 2004 Pledge to the flag Guest Speakers: Lori Presti, New York State Power Authority. Lori stopped by to give the NCFCC an update on the Wild Life Festival 2004. The event will be held at the Niagara Power Project on Saturday September 25 & Sunday, September 26, 2004. Lori past out an Exhibitor Information Questioners for any club interested in attending the event. Special activities and events to include: Fishing Pond, Turkey Calling Contest, and awards ceremony for the fishing derby. Lori would like the NCFCC to determine if we can bring any new activities to the festival, looking for activities that are family oriented and provide hands on training. Lori requested the NCFCC consider the activities we had at the 2002 Niagara County Fair, DEC dart Machine, 4h Pellet Gun range, and archery and cross bow shooting. Lori also informed the NCFCC she is working with the staff from Hunters Hope, and Jim Kelly to see if they will participate in this year's event. Secretary Report: Motion to accept secretary's report by Tom Mites, 2nd by Chris Schotz, carried. Treasurers Report: Motion to accept the financial report presented by Gordon Botting Sr. was made by Tom Miles, 2nd by Marc Richardson, carried. Minutes: Sick Call: Bill Hilts Sr. Correspondence: Pres. Greg Tessmann reported he received a letter from Darcy Tone, Niagara County Soil Water. Darcy wanted to thank the NCFCC for their support of 5th and 6~ grade Environmental Field Days. COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget and Fund Raising: Pres. Greg Tessmann gave an update on the Inaugural Niagara County Clay Championship Shoot, which was held, Saturday June 12, 2004. We had a very poor turn out; Greg was very disappointed with the support given by the local clubs to the NCFCC at our shoot. Chris Schotz reported that Tonawanda's Sportsmen's Club did a great Job in hosting the event, they were great to work with, and that everything from the shooting course to the food was excellent. Chris will send out Thank You letters to all those who helped and donated prizes for the auction. Sport Fishing: Paul Jackson reported: Thousand dollar a day fishing derby is in process - Town of Wilson is getting $390,000 to improve the west pier Small Game: Chris Schotz reported that it looks like Coyote and Fox populations are up. 4H Pheasant Program: Pheasants chicks were distributed Wednesday, June 2, 2004. We have about 50 kids participating using about 37 sights. Had an unexplained fall down of birds in the 20% range. Bob Glidden and Greg Tessmann will be conducting a Wildlife outdoor education program on pheasant habitat August 17th Anyone interested in learning more about pheasant habitat is welcome to attend. Location 9204 Coleman Road, Barker New York Water Fowl: Don Bronson reported the local nuisance geese population is on the rise, he estimates those young birds out number adults by 8 to 1. He also reported that if the population gets too big geese's could transfer botulism from one water body to another as they move about the local waterways. Big Game: No Report Hunter Safety: Gary Lowe reported that the 2004 Instructors course was held for Hunter Education, and that they graduated 5 new instructors. Habitat: No Report Niagara County Fair: Keith Shultz will chair Niagara County Fair. Fair will run from August 4th through gth Pres. Greg Tessman reported that he has been in contact with Paul Wesfall, and that the NCFCC got our old spot back for the federation tent. The following clubs donated $10.00 to help offset the cost of the tent: Twin City, Wilson Conservation Club, Wilson Auxiliary, Niagara River Anglers, Muskie Association, NYS Cross Bow Hunters. C.F.A.B.: No Report Region 9 Fish and Wild Life Board: No Report NYS State Conservation Council: Dale Dunkelburger reminded delegates that we will vote on resolutions at the August meeting, and they should get their club voting done during the month of July. Firearm Legislation: William Mudge reported that there is a bill in the senate to ban 50 cal. firearm cartridges not sure how this will effect 50 cal. muzzleloaders. He also reported that the can hunt bill is back in the assembly and that it could have an effect on pheasant hunting at preserves. The 400 square inch blaze orange bill has passed the assembly for big game hunting, not clear if this is just for firearms season or if it will effect bow hunters. Awards Banquet: No Report Patches: Pam Leaderhouse reported 2004 blue pike patches are now available price $ 3.00 each. Only 10-patches are left. Rosters: No Report Youth Education: No Report OLD BUSINESS July Picnic cancelled in support of strategic planning secession. Chris Schotz reported that the officers meet with John Long to discuss NCFCC insurance needs. Topics discussed regular insurance, D & 0 Insurance, and special event Insurance. NEW BUSINESS Pres. Greg Tessmann reminded the delegates how important the NCFCC is to local sportsmen's issues and that we are the link between our clubs, the D.E.C and the politicians. Greg requested we cancel the summer picnic, and have a special meeting for the purpose of strategic planning, its time the NCFCC take a serious look at who we are, what we want to accomplish, and how we get it done. He asked Marc Richardson, and John Butcher to facilitate the meeting. He also called for a mandatory meeting. Club's that can not send a delegate should contact Greg. CLUB REPORTS Niagara- Orleans Friends of the NRA: Committee needs help, last year we returned close to $16,000 in grant money for local organizations. Banquet is growing and our committee only has 8 members, need volunteers to assist with planning, grant applications, and the banquet. Wilson Conservation Club: Approximately 121 kids participated in the youth fishing derby North Forest: "Shoot" till you drop! Day, June 5, 9am-4pm 9 Wheat field Firearms Association: Will participate in the Wheatfield Field Days, Saturday July 17, and Sunday July 18 at Fairmont Park Nash Road. Will have an archery range and Paul Snell will be there with Liberty the bald eagle. 3F: Youth program will be doing 22-caliber rifle shooting this month Niagara River Anglers: Pen rearing project at Conservation Park, 10,000 steelhead, and 75,000 Chinook. Bass tournament July 24, 2004 LaSalle Sportsmen Club: Archery Shoot July 7th, Cow Chip Bingo Saturday, August 28, 2004 (See Insert) Twin City Shooting Club: Applying for NRA grant, for youth shooting sports. Hartland Conservation Club: Has started first phase of range improvements with the funds they received from the NRA Foundation. NWTF: Women in the Outdoors August 14, North Forest Gun Club (See Insert) Motion to adjourn, Chris Schotz, 2nd Tom Miles, carried. Respectfully submitted, For information about the NCFCC including minutes, and upcoming events check us out at |
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Niagara County Federation of
Conservation Clubs May 2004 Meeting field on the 24th
7:00pm. Called to order by President Greg Tessman at 4-H Bldg.,
Lockport. Posted June 15 2004 Pledge to the flag Guest Speakers: No Speaker Secretary Report: Motion to accept secretary's report by Dale Dunkelburger, 2nd by Tom Miles carried. Treasurers Report: Motion to accept the financial report presented by Gordon Botting Sr. was made by John Chilcott, 2nd by Gerry Bennett, carried. Gordon Butting SR provided the membership with a list of dues payments for our organization. If your club is not on the list please check with Gordy. Dues can be mailed to Gordon Botting Sr, 5583 Ridge Road, Lockport, NY 14094. DUES YEAR: 2004 1 NORTHTOWNS BLACK BEAR
CHAPTER N.AMERICIAN 10/27/2003 Minutes: Sick Call: Dick Lange Correspondence: Pres. Greg Tessman reported he received an e-mail from Mark Daul from encouraging NCFCC to list his web site address in our monthly minutes. COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget and Fund Raising: Inaugural Niagara County Clay Championship: Shoot would be held, Saturday June 12, 2004. Chris Schotz reported that the 0/u is at the Cabin Range. We have only received modest corporate support for door prizes. Asking for promotional support from all. Still need to wrap up insurance. Minimum age to shoot is 12 years old. Pres. Gregg Tessman will send a letter to club presidents asking for their support for these event. Sport Fishing: No Report Small Game: Chris Schotz reported that lots of turkeys are visible 4H Pheasant Program: Need volunteers to mentor kids for this program, those interested should contact Bob Glidden at 716-795-3305. Birds will be available Wednesday, June 2, 2004. Local 686 U.A.W. made a donation to the pheasant program of $125.00. Water Fowl: There was question regarding a waterfowl petition circulated by John Daniels. Don Bronson was unaware of the petition. Pres. Greg Tessmann confirmed that Don Bronson is NCFCC contact person for waterfowl, and that any waterfowl petitions should first go to Don Bronson for review. Motion by Don Bronson to have NCFCC waterfowl representative review all waterfowl petitions, then petitions must be submitted to NCFCC delegates for approval, 2nd by Mark Richardson carried. Big Game: No Report Hunter Safety: The resolution Don Bronson proposed regarding IHEA standards is put on hold. Dale Dunkelburger reported vouchers system is still a live issue, and Hunter Education Instructors are opposed to it. Habitat: Gerry Bennett reported that no money has been accessed from the stamp fund yet. Mandatory habitat stamp for non-residents is advocated. Resolution distributed to delegates take back to club need club vote for August NCFCC vote. Niagara County Fair: Keith Shultz will chair Niagara County Fair. Fair will run from August 4th. through 8th. Any club that would like to have a booth or table in the tent should contact Keith. Keith reported that he secured a tent for the fair at a price of $ 675.00. Dale Dunkelburger requested that all clubs donate $ 10.00 each for the tent to help defer the cost. Need to get a list of volunteers for fair, so we can distribute passes. C.F.A.B.: - John Long and Bill Hilts SR attended John Daily
Memorial Dinner in Albany. Region 9 Fish and Wild Life Board: No Report NYS State Conservation Council: Dale Dunkelburger reported that there is opposition to early season DEC Youth Hunt for big game most of it appears to come from down state. Firearm Legislation: William Mudge reported that SCOPE is suing state over the ballistic fingerprinting program. Awards Banquet: No Report Patches: Pam Leaderhouse reported 2004 blue pike patches are now available price $ 3.00 each. Only 25-patches are left. Rosters: No Report. Youth Education: Motion to donate $275.00 to Environmental Field Days for Niagara County 5th and 6th graders educational program by Dale Dunkelburger, 2nd by Chris Schotz, carried. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Picnic Pres. Greg Tessman to contact Dale Shank to see if 3F club will host annual picnic. Chris Schotz reported that he would contact John Long to schedule a meeting with him and NCFCC officers. Need to make sure we have coverage for Clay shoot, and Pig Roast, also would like to discuss Directors and Officers Insurance. CLUB REPORTS North Forest: "Shoot" till you drop! Day, June 5, 9am-4pm 9 LaSalle Sportsmen Club: Cow Chip Bingo Saturday, August 28, 2004 (See Insert) Hartland Conservation Club: Trap league, Starting June 14, 2004, at 5 PM Training available for new shooters Wilson Conservation Club: Kids Fishing Day, Saturday June 19,2004 NWTF: Women in the Outdoors August 14, North Forest Gun Club Motion to adjourn, Gordon Botting SR. ....... 2nd Dale Dunkelburger, carried. Respectfully submitted, Mark Richardson Acting Secretary, NCFCC For information about the NCFCC including minutes, and upcoming events check us out at www.outdoorsniagara. com
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April 2004
Minutes ~ Posted May 18 2004
Niagara County Federation of Conservation Clubs April 2004 Meeting held on the 26th at 7:04pm. Called to order by President Greg Tessman at 4-H Bldg., Lockport. Pledge to the flag Guest Speakers: No Speaker Minutes: Correction to March minutes by Pam Leaderhouse, NWTF calling contest at the Niagara County Fair, should have read NWTF will hold a "Jake's" Turkey calling contest at Niagara County Fair. Motion to accept February minutes with correction by Torn Miles 2nd by Mark Richardson, carried. Treasurers Report: Motion to accept the financial report presented by Gordon Botting Sr. was made by Gerry Bennett, 2nd by Tom Miles, carried. Sick Call: No Report Correspondence: Pres. Greg Tessman received a letter from the Conservation Council, they want to create a communications grid between County Federations, and the N.Y.S.R.P.A. Motion for NCFCC to participate, and send our information in by Gordon Botting SR. 2nd by Tom Miles, carried. Greg received a Thank You card from Legislator William Ross, for the award he received at the NCFCC Awards Dinner. Greg also sent a letter to the Niagara County Legislator Ross, listing the federation delegates that will serve on the board of the Farm Bureau, and also submitted a list of names to be considered as Landowner Reps. COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget and Fund Raising: Inaugural Niaeara County Clay Championship.- Chris Schotz reported that the shoot would be held, Saturday June 12. Need to contact John Long and Tonawanda's Sportsmen's Club and go over Insurance. NCFCC delegates need to take message back to their clubs and move SOfflC tickets. Also door prizes for Chinese Auction from clubs would be appreciated. Go here for complete information Pig Roast and Cash Drawing: Gregg Tessman reported that the Pig Roast would be held, Sunday August 15, 2004. Will need to purchase a rider to our Insurance policy for this event. Tickets are available; Mark Richardson has created a flyer. Go here for complete information Pres. Gregg Tessman will send a letter to club presidents asking for their support for these two events. Sport Fishing: Paul Jackson, Niagara River Anglers will be hosting the Smelt Festival, Friday May 7th, 2004 7:00 PM Lewiston, New York. Joe Wilczewski, informed the delegates that the Allegheny National Fish Hatchery in Pennsylvania, is experiencing a serious shortfall of monies, that could seriously impact the Lake Ontario, and Lake Erie Sport-fishery. Encouraged delegates to send a letter in support of the hatchery to their representatives, asking them to restore funding. (See Insert) Small Game: First ever youth Turkey hunt held last weekend for youths 12-14 years of age. 4H Pheasant Program: Need volunteers to mentor kids for this program, those interested should contact Bob Glidden at 716-795-3305. Dave Lavery, Keith Schultz, and Greg Tessmann to help mentor. 2000 birds have been reserved with the DEC, 52 kids participating, with a total of 37 sites. Co Operative extension to pay $1316.49, NCFCC to pay $1210.75 Motion for NCFCC to pay their bill of 1210.75 by Dale Dunkelburger, 2nd by Gordon Botting SR, carried. Water Fowl: Don Bronson, reported on the DEC proposals for the 2004 fall waterfowl season: - Will hold early nuisance season in September - Regular season will be a split season fall/winter 3 per day - Duck season will be a split falll/winter season, with reduced days for pintail, and canvas back - Season length will be the same but dates may be modified to allow for extra weekend hunting - Will hold youth hunt in October Note all proposals subject to approval by Federal Fish and Wildlife John Daniels spoke on NCFCC proposal to the NY State Conservation Council, would like to resubmit the proposal with the following changes: -Omit Blue Wing Teal Season from proposal Motion to resubmit proposal by Dale Shank, 2nd by Bill I-hits SR, carried. Big Game: Dale Dunkelburger reported there is a youth deer hunt season in the discussion St aces. Chris Schotz reported that the DEC is not interested in looking at a Saturday deer season, this could be a proposed resolution by the NCFCC next year. Hunter Safety: Gary Lowe reported that refresher course for Hunter Education Instructors is scheduled for Tuesday May 11, 2004 at 7:00 PM till 10:00 PM, North Forest Rod & Gun Club. Motion for to reimburse North Forest for refreshment expenses by Gary Lowe, 2nd by Tom Miles, carried. Dale Dunkelburger reported that the voucher debate is back, would like to submit emergency resolution that Hunter Education Instructors are opposed to charging for this service. Dale also reported that IHEA standards are proposed for New York State next year, Most instructors are against the proposal, New York standards are already higher than the THEA. Don Bronson reported that New York has the lowest incident of Hunter Accidents in the United States. Adopting IHEA standards would be a step backward for New York State Hunter Education; we are the leading edge in Hunter Education. Motion that the NCFCC to draft resolution against New York State adopting THEA Standards, by Don Bronson, 2nd by Dale Dunkelburger, carried. Also recommend we circulate a petition amongst NY Hunter Education Instructors, supporting the resolution. Habitat: Gerry Bennett reported there is currently $76,000 in the habitat account. Also there is a proposal that it be mandatory that all non-residents purchase a habitat stamp when buying a NY State Hunting Licensee. Bill Tobin reported that NCFCC needs a new delegate for the Oakwanna Wildlife Board. Niagara County Fair: Keith Shultz will chair Niagara County Fair. Fair will run from August 4th through 8th~ Any club that would like to have a booth or table in the tent should contact Keith. Keith reported that he did not rent a tent for the fair yet because the prices of tents has increased significantly, he will research further to see if he can find a tent in our price range. John Butcher recommend Keith contact fair committee, and see if we can get the NWTF Jake's turkey calling contest listed on the Niagara County Fair Poster. Joe Wilczewski submitted proposals for the paint ball gun shooting range. The proposal is too high to consider this year, Pres., Greg Tessman recommended we consider trying to fund it through a NRA grant. C.F.A.B.: Bill Hilts SR reported: - John Long has changed positions and will move from president, to Vice President. - Fred Langdon will be the new region 9 delegate. - Conservation fund is down by $1.5 million from last year. - Total for fish and wildlife budget is 92 million. - NYS has 25 vacancies in the EGO position - P.A. is now a crossbow state Region 9 Fish and Wild Life Board: No Report NYS State Conservation Council. Gerry Bennett, Circulated raffles tickets, for the conservation council. Firearm Legislation: William Mudge reported that we still need to keep an eye on the proposed pistol permit fee increase, keep the heat on your local representatives, and let them know you are in opposition. Awards Banquet: Pres. Greg Tessmann thanked Joe Wilczewski for his work as committee chairmen and, Bill Hilts JR for doing a great job as MC at awards banquet on Saturday, April 3, 2004 at the Days Inn. He also called for a standing ovation for Bill Hilts SR in recognition of his lifetime achievement award. Patches: Pam Leaderhouse reported 2004 blue pike patches are now available price $ 3.00 each Raffle: No report Rosters: John Butcher circulated a list of clubs that has turned in rooster, and asked delegates review so he could verify if his records were accurate. Youth Education: Pres. Greg Tessman, and Mark Richardson received certification by 4H Shooting Sports. OLD BUSINESS Members still need to locate all past files, seal, records, and displays. Anyone with any info should contact Pres. Gregg Tessman. Niagara County Federation Delegates reported back and voted on the CWM toxic landfill. CWM would like to accept PCB's, Arsenic and other materials at its Niagara County Landfill. Under the proposed NYS DEC "Siting Plan," do we want an estimated 20,000 trucks per year coming into Niagara County with these chemicals. YES__NO X If NO Do we as a Federation want to take a stance on this issue? YES X or NO Motion to have Pres. Greg Tessman draft a letter in opposition to the landfill on behalf of the federation by Tom Miles, 2nd by Gordon Botting SR, carried. NEW BUSINESS Bill Mudge, reported he has NRA Grant Applications CLUB REPORTS North Forest: "Shoot" till you drop! Day, June 5, 9am-4pm 9 (See Insert) Hartland Conservation Club: Holding a silhouette shoot for the kids that took their Hunter Education Course. Wilson Conservation Club: Kids Fishing Day, Saturday June 19,2004 (See Inset) Wilson Conservation Club Auxiliary: Chinese Auction May 15. 3F Club: Youth Program is doing bird banding May 16, 2004 t-5PM NWTF: Women in the Outdoors August 14, North Forest Gun Club (See Insert) Motion to adjourn, Pam Leaderhouse, 2nd Mark Richardson, carried. Respectfully submitted,
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March 2004
Minutes ~ Posted April 10 '04 Niagara County Federation of Conservation Clubs March 2004 Meeting held on the 29th at 7:00pm. Called to order by President Greg Tessmann at 4-H Bldg., Lockport. Pledge to the flag Guest Speakers: No Speaker Minutes: Motion to accept February minutes by Tom Miles 2nd by Gordon Botting SR, carried. Treasures Report: Motion to accept the financial report presented by Gordon Botting Sr. was made by Time Miles 2nd by Keith Hetrick, carried. Sick Call: No Report Correspondence: Pres. Greg Tessmann reported he has sent a letter to Paul Westfall requesting the same location we had in previous years for placement of the Federation tent at the Niagara County Fair. Greg also reported that he sent a Thank You letter to the Tonawanda Sportsmen Club for the $ 500.00 donation. COMMITTEE REPORTS County Legislator Bill Ross has notified the Federation he will attend the Banquet on April 3`d. Budget and Fund Raising: Pres. Greg Tessmann reported the budget fund raising committee would like to proceed with the $100.00 Raffle and Pig Roast. Motion to hold event by Mark Richardson, 2nd by Gordon Botting SR, carried. Details and tickets will be available for April meeting. Still need to sell ads for newsletter. Clay Shoot is scheduled for Saturday, June 12 John Butcher reported Gordon Botting SR has purchased
the knives from Johnson's Country Store they are at Customer Laser and are
in the process of being laser engraved Chris Schotz has finished designing a brochure on the NCFCC that we can use for promotional services; it is at the printers and will be available for distribution to delegates at the April meeting. Pres. Greg Tessmann reported that he would like to raise enough money this year to raise 1/2 the cost of a salary for a full-time employee that would be split between the Federation and another county agency. Sport Fishing: Bruce Gammock is in the process of finishing a paper on the Blue Pike initiative. Will submit first draft to federation when completed. Will address the following issues: Why we should search for Blue Pike in Canadian Waters, and why they should be restocked in Lake Ontario. Paul Jackson reported that there will be a Lake Ontario "State of the Lake" meeting on Wednesday, March 24, 2004, 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Cornell Cooperative Extension. Topics: Forage, Salmon stocking- survival and performance, Trends in the fishery, contributions and of wild Chinook, Cormorants & the warm water fishery. Paul requested the Federation draft a letter in support of ending Walleye season on December 31S` May get opposition from charter captains and bait shops, Paul feels fishermen are pulling to many breeding fish from the lower river. Paul to hi-lite issues of concerns, Greg Tessmann to draft letter. Pen project, Need to send volunteers to Polaski for pen project, will fin clip or nose tag fish, want to determine if fish in the lower river, are local or coming from Polaski. Small Game: No Report 4H Pheasant Program: Need volunteers to mentor kids for this year program, those interested should contact Bob Glidden at 716-795-3305. Dave Lavery, Keith Schultz, and Greg Tessmann to help mentor. 2000 birds have been reserved with the DEC. Will match mentors with kids from their own communities to cut down on travel time. Water Fowl: Don Bronson has received 8 responses to waterfowl survey. Anyone interested in participating contact Don at [email protected] Big Game: No Report Hunter Safety: Hunter Education Poster for Gun and Bow Course were distributed. Refresher course for Niagara County Instructors is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11, 2004, 7:00pm till 10.00pm at North Forest Gun Club Habitat: Pres. Greg Tessmann reported that he submitted a grant for Habitat Enhancements, Food plots and Mowing for Niagara County. Gerry Bennett reported we need to encourage people to purchase Habitat Stamps, and that he will attend state meeting next month. Niagara County Fair: Keith Shultz will chair Niagara County Fair. Fair will run from August 4`h through 8`h. Any club that would like to have a booth or table in the tent should contact Keith. Pam Leaderhouse said that the NWTF is willing to hold another Turkey calling contest. Paul Jackson and Joe Wilczewski to research paint ball gun shooting range. Motion to rent 60x40 tent for fair by Gordon Booting SR, 2nd by Mark Richardson, carried. C.F.A.B.: No Report Region 9 Fish and Wild Life Board: Joe Wilczewski is looking for a grant to fund a study the upper river, catch and release, tagging. Office supplies only. Paul Jackson, looking for funds for Niagara Rivers Anglers pen rearing Project. NYS State Conservation Council. Gerry Bennett and Dale Dunkelburger to attend state meeting next month, Gerry reported that there are over 50 bills proposed. Firearm Legislation: William Mudge reported that there is currently between 103 to 106 proposed bills in the state Assembly and Senate. SCOPE has produced a newsletter outlining proposals. It also has State representatives listed. Anyone that would like to send a letter can go to they have letters written that you can use. Awards Banquet: Joe Wilczewski reported that the awards banquet would be held Saturday, April 3, 2004 at the Days Inn. Please bring prizes or donations. Extra parking is available at the Casino; you can take a shuttle. Motion for federation to pay for dinner tickets for non-federation award winners attending the banquet by Gordon Botting SR, 2"d by John Butcher, carried. Patches: Pam Leaderhouse reported 2004 blue pike patches are now available price $ 3.00 each Raffle: No report Rosters: Niagara County Gobblers, 3F Club, Pioneer Conservation Club, Wilson Conservation Club Auxiliary, turned in rosters for 2004. Youth Education: Youth Camp is $225.00 per kid, ages 12-14. NCFCC will pay for two kids to attend. Applications can be down loaded from the DEC web-site. Paul Jackson and Dale Shank will recruit kids. OLD BUSINESS Members still need to locate all past files, seal, history, and displays. Anyone with any info should contact Pres. Gregg Tessmann. NEW BUSINESS Niagara County Federation Delegates are to go back to clubs and take a vote on the CWM toxic landfill. CWM would like to accept PCB's, Arsenic and other materials at its Niagara County Landfill. Under the proposed NYS DEC "Siting Plan," do we want an estimated 20,000 trucks per year coming into Niagara County with these chemicals. YES_________ NO _______ If NO, do we as a Federation want to take a stance on this issue? YES ______or NO _____ CLUB REPORTS LaSalle: April 20th Gun Raffle Hartland Conservation Club: Gun Show April 3 & 4, 2004 Tables $ 4.00 3F Club: Hunter Safety April 13 &17, 2004 NWTF: Women in the Outdoors August 14, North Forest Gun Club Motion to adjourn, Tom Miles, 2nd Gordon Botting Sr., carried Respectfully submitted, John Butcher Secretary, NCFCC |
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2004 Posted
March 9 Niagara County Federation of Conservation Clubs
February 2004 Meeting held on the 24th Pledge to the flag NCFCC Meeting Dates and location: March 22nd
Small meeting room, April 26th Small meeting room, May 24th Large
meeting room, June 28th Large meeting room, July 26th Location to be
announced (Picnic), August 23rd Large meeting room, September 27th Large
meeting room, October 25th Large meeting room, November 22nd Large
meeting room, December 15th, Large meeting room (Holiday Party). Guest Speakers: No
Speaker Minutes: Corrections to December Minutes: 1) Web page for Mark Daul is 2) Don Bronson’ s email is [email protected] Motion to accept January minutes with corrections by Gordon Botting SR, 2nd by Tom Miles, carried. Treasurers Report: Motion to accept the financial report presented by Gordon Botting Sr. was made by Chris Schotz 2nd by Tom Miles, carried. Sick Call: Bill Hilts SR. slipped on Ice he is sore but OK Correspondence: No Report COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget and Fund Raising: Pres. Greg Tessman reported the budget fund raising committee is planning a combination Pig Roast and Raffle. John Butcher reported that Johnson’s Country Store has 100-Year Anniversary Buck Knifes that they would sell us for $25.00 each. ~ laser engraving. Motion to buy 10 knives and have them engraved by
Paul Jackson. 2nd by~ Gordon Botting Sr., carried Sport Fishing: Bruce Gammock is in the
process of finishing a paper on the Blue Pike initiative. Small Game: No Report 4H Pheasant Program: Need volunteers to
mentor kids for this year program those interested should contact Bob
Glidden at 716-795-3305 Water Fowl: Don Bronson, water fowl task
force will meet in April. Don will put a notification in the paper that
he is conducting a water fowl survey and mail surveys to any interested
water fowl hunter that would like to participate. For further
information contact Don at [email protected] Big Game: No Report Hunter Safety: Dave Lavery Encouraged Hunter Education Instructors to turn in 2004 class schedules. Dave needs info to preparing schedules by March 1, 2004 Send info to Dave Lavery 9854 Mountain Rd, Middleport, NY 14105. Phone 716-735-3343 or email Dave at davelave @hotmail .com Instructors encouraged to hold extra hunter education classes this fall; last year fall classes were overcrowded. Also any instructors that would like to work, as a volunteer to assist other instructors or clubs should let Dave know. Dave also needs a club to host this year’s Instructors Refresher Course. Habitat:
Pres. Greg Tessman is in the process of writing a grant for seed
and other materials Niagara County Fair: Keith Shultz will chair Niagara County Fair. Fair will run from August 4th through 8th. C.F.A.B.: 2003 License Sales down by 96,000. DEC 389 out of 406 positions filled. Youth Turkey Hunt (Ages 12-15) will be the Saturday and Sunday preceding the spring opener. Youth deer hunt under consideration. No Saturday shotgun opener for deer season this year. A group in Long Island is trying to establish a saltwater fishing license. Empire Outdoors TV show should air this fall. An initiative is on the ballot in Maine to ban Bear
hunting over bait. Residents of Alaska will Region 9 Fish and Wild Life Board: Meeting March 4, 2004 NYS State Conservation Council: Meeting is
scheduled for March 14, 15, 16, 2004 in Albany. Firearm Legislation: William Mudge, Proposed
legislation to raise pistol permit fee to $ 100.00 Motion to have Pres. Greg Tessman draft a letter on behalf of the Federation by Bill Tobin, 2nd by Pam Leaderhouse, carried. Awards Banquet: Joe Wilezewski reported that the awards banquet will be held Saturday, April 3, 2004 at the Days Inn Niagara Falls New York. RSVP by March 15th to [email protected] or call 716-867-6561 (evenings). Bill Hilts JR, Submitted nomination form for 2004,
encouraged delegates to inform clubs and Patches: Pam Leaderhouse reported 2004 blue pike patches are now available price $ 3.00 each Raffle: No report Rosters: No Report Youth Education: Twin City Youth Shoot
scheduled for March 20, 2004 OLD BUSINESS Chris Shotz is monitoring the information on web page. Chris wants NEW BUSINESS 4H Shooting Sports, spring 2004 Instructor
Workshop, scheduled April 16. 17. 18, 2004. CLUB REPORTS LaSalle: Wild Game Dinner sold out Wilson Conservation Club: Gun Raffle March 27, 2004 NYS Cross Bow Hunters: Have 5 Crossbows for Niagara County Fair SCOPE: Have produced a Special Edition Newsletter on about proposed firearms legislation. Iroquois Arms Collectors: Ran two successful gun shows Friends of the NRA: 2004 Banquet date will be on Saturday, March 27, 2004. Hartland Conservation Club: Gun Show April 3 & 4, 2004 Tables $ 4.00 Pheasants Forever WNY29: Membership Banquet, Friday, March 19,2004 Niagara River Anglers: Steelhead Contest,
February 21, 2004 was big success approximately North American Bear Foundation: Successful Banquet held February 21, 2004 Twin City Shooting Club: Youth Shoot, March 20, 2004 Wheatfield Firearms Association: Will participate in the Wheatfield field days, any one that would like to help out please contact Don Bronson. Lockport Conservation Club: Working on
creating a youth shooting program. Motion to adjourn, Pam Leaderhouse, 2nd Tom Miles,
carried Respectfully submitted, |
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JANUARY 2004 Minutes ~ Posted February 10 2004 Niagara County
Federation of Conservation Clubs January 2004 Meeting held on the 20th
at 7:05pm. Called to order by President Greg Tessman Pledge to the
flag Guest:
Keith Schultz, Niagara County Soil Water Guest Speakers:
Mark Daul, Mark is a member of Niagara River Anglers; his goal is to network all Niagara and Erie Clubs through his web page. For a fee of $50.00 he will create a simple single web page about any sportsmen’s organization and add it to his web page as a link. Mark encouraged NCFCC to send him the monthly minutes, awards nominations, and other relative information about the Federation for posting on You can also access the Web by going to and typing in Niagara County Federation. President Greg Tessman thanked Mark for his work on behalf of the Federation. Delegates encourage taking the idea back to heir clubs and promote their events. Minutes: Motion to accept December minutes by Dale Dunkelburger, 2nd by Don Bronson, carried. Treasures Report: Motion to accept the financial report presented by Gordon Botting Sr. was made by Dale Dunkelburger 2nd by Tom Miles, carried. (Note the report does not reflect the $5884.00 we will receive from the Niagara County Legislature, will report as income when the check has been received and deposited.) Sick Call: Harry Merrill is recovering from a stroke, Bob Kerns is still under the weather but doing better Correspondence: Niagara County Legislator William Ross sent a card stating he was happy the legislature approved funding for the NCFCC. COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget and Fund Raising: Pres. Greg Tessman reported that he has confirmed a date for the NCFCC Fundraising Shoot. The shoot will be held Saturday, June 12, 2004 at the Tonawanda Sportsmen Club. Shoots will include 100 Birds, 50 Clays, 25 Skeet, and 25 Trap. Encouraged all to get involved will need a lot help to pull this event off. Chris Schotz noted that this will be a fun shoot, and we will also have prizes, and lunch. Please pass the word. Delegates should ask their clubs to donate door prizes. Committee Volunteer: Gordon Botting SR, John Butcher, Chris Schotz, Pam Leaderhouse, Greg Tessman, Shannon McDermott. 2004 Club Dues, payment received from, Northtowns Black Bear, Niagara County Trappers, Twin City Shooting Club, UAW Local 686 Pistol Club, Niagara County Sportsmen, LaSalle Sportsmen, Wilson Conservation Club, Hartland Conservation Club, Niagara County Gobblers- NWTF, Tonawanda Sportsmen Club, Pheasants Forever of WNY #29. Sport Fishing: Paul Jackson, Niagara River Anglers is hosting a Steelhead Tournament, February 21, 2004 Sign up at the Lewiston Sand Docks at dawn. For further information go to LOC Derby has been sold to Empire State Lake Ontario Promotions. Spring and Fall Derbies will take place as scheduled. Spring - April 23- May, 2004, Fall August 20- September 6, 2004 Those that want to serve on the Blue Pike Committee with Bruce Gammock please submit names too Greg Tessman. Small Game: Dave Whitt~, Forms are available for Soft Release Birds from the DEC, Cut of date is March 15, 2004 for details contact Russ Biss at the Allegany Office, 182 East Union St, Allegany, NY 14706 Phone 716-372-0605 4H Pheasant Program: Chris Schotz, 2004 Pheasants rearing program is underway, first meeting is scheduled for February, Bob Gliddon will oversea, this year s program we are expected to have about 50 kids participating, should raise close to 2000 birds Water Fowl: Don Bronson, Would like to conduct a survey of waterfowl hunters, he is concerned about the lack of birds. Any one interested in participating email Don at jarhead 1657 Big Game: Dale Dunkleberger DEC has not released deer take figures, should be available in mid February, preliminary numbers indicate take is down by 20 to 30 percent. 222 samples taken at deer check stations for CWD all tests negative. 2003 Bear Harvest, Alleghany County 95, Region 9 54 DEC may consider opening Bear Hunting in Allegany State Park. If you have any questions or comments contact Russ Biss at the Allegany Office 182 East Union St, Allegany, NY 14706 Phone 716-372-0645 Niagara County Task Force for Deer Management Unit 9A is now forming if interested in serving on this committee contact Jim Snider at the Buffalo DEC Office 270 Michigan Aye, Buffalo, NY 14203 Phone 716-851-7010 Hunter Safety: Dave Lavery, Encouraged Hunter Education Instructors to turn in 2004 class schedules. Dave needs info to preparing schedules by March 1, 2004 Send info to Dave Lavery 9854 Mountain Rd, Middleport, NY 14105. Phone 716-735-3343 or email Dave at davclave @ Instructors were encouraged to hold extra hunter education classes this fall; last year fall classes were over crowded. Also any instructors that would like to work, as a volunteer to assist other instructors or clubs should let Dave know. Dale Dunkelburger, International Hunter Education Standards and Manuals will be implemented in 2005. New titles for Instructors, Senior Instructor, Instructor, Volunteer Instructor Habitat: Dave Whit, Pheasants Forever of WNY #29 has Habitat Application Information Sheets. (See Insert) Pheasants Forever will do habitat project at the John White Game Farm, also my have enough switch grass for Joseph Davis State Park. Chris Schotz, Plans are underway for the use of the seed drill. Joseph Davis State Park working on plans to move ahead with proposal for elevated walkway. Chris wondered were the logic is because there are no trees to view from the walkway. Niagara County Fair: Pres. Greg Tessman asked for a volunteer to run the sportsmen tent at the Niagara County Fair. We need to have a visual presence in the community and show the legislature we are educating the community and deserve the funds we received from them. Fair will run from August 4th through 8th C.F.A.B.: No Report Region 9 Fish and Wild Life Board: No Report Nominations requested for Region 9 Fish and Wild Life Board Representatives. 1.
Greg Tessmann Motion to accept nominations by Chris Schotz, 2nd by Dale Dunkelburger, carried NYS State Conservation Council: NYSCC took a site survey of the Niagara River Anglers Pen Rearing Project. Brown trout stocking will reduced by 100,000 fish statewide this year. Sale of lead fishing sinkers smaller than 1/2 oz & under will be outlawed for sales in stores starting May 7111 this year. 2003 had the lowest incident rate for hunting accidents. (See Insert) State has a hiring freeze; they have not filled opening at the fish hatchery Assemblymen Dick Smith trying to organize a caucus that will push for conservation bills. DEC 2004 priorities: Crossbow Bill, Reduction of the Big Game Hunting Age (allow 14 & 15 year olds to hunt with firearm). Tentative youth turkey hunt slated for April 24, 2004, 1 Bird limits, and adults can not carry firearm. No Saturday opener for big game in 2004 No news on proposed use of Rifles in those counties bordering PA Proposal to switch to visible fishing licenses; delegates need to inform club members of proposal and survey club. NCFCC delegates will vote at the February meeting. Chris Schotz, canned hunt bill maybe not be dead, looks like a second push from anti’s to bring it back. John Daniels submitted a resolution that he would like NCFCC to submit to the New York State Conservation Council; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New York State Conservation Council request the DEC to conduct a study to determine that the Waterfowl (Duck) Season is to the best interest of the resource, the hunter, and should report back to the NYSCC prior to making any recommendations. Motion to propose resolution to NYSCC by Dale Dunkelburger, 2nd by Dave Lavery, Carried Secretary needs to mail to resolution to conservation Council on or before February 1, 2004. Gerry Bennett, NCFCC Annual Membership dues to NYSCC need to pay. Motion to pay by Dale Dunkelburger, 2nd by Paul Jackson, Carried. NYSCC request members fill out an ATV survey. (See insert) Firearm Legislation: William Mug, Proposed legislation to raise pistol permit fee to $ 100.00 is in the current Pataki Budget, must renew every 5 years. Please contact your representatives, and let them no you are against this. Awards Banquet: Joe Wilczewski, Submitted two proposals for the upcoming awards banquet. Proposal #1, $1700.00, and Proposal #2 $ 2354.00. Motion to accept proposal # 2 Dale Shank, 2nd Gerry Bennett, Carried Will still need to confirm date, conflicts with dates with other events: March13 Safari Club Dinner, April 10 Easter weekend, April 24th NYS Conservation Council Meeting. April 3rd looks like best date if we can find a hall that can fit us in on short notice. Committee Chairmen Joe Wilczewski and Pres. Greg Tessman to explore alternative dates and locations, book event and report in February. Tony Gonnello, Suggested Brian Bachman of the North American Bear Foundation as a possible guest speaker for the 2004 banquet. Bill Hilts Jr. Submitted nomination form for 2004, encouraged delegates to inform clubs and submit nominations. (See insert) Patches: Pam Leaderhouse reported she has a proof for the 2004 patch Raffle: No report Rosters: John Butcher reported that many clubs would be holding Annual Elections in January please turn updated club roster in ASAP so we can update the mailing list. Youth Education: Dave Whitt, Pheasants Forever, Youth Day scheduled, September 1 8th (See insert) Dale Shank, 3F Club has formed a youth Club, Open to non-members, ages 12-14 boys and girls. Next meeting is Sunday, February 29th, 1-5p.m. OLD BUSINESS Pres. Greg Tessman reported that the restrictions being reported on pistol permits are just rumors. Permits are being issued as applied for, target, hunting and carry. Applicants must be careful when filling out applications to apply for what the actually want. NEW BUSINESS Pres. Greg Tessman informed delegates that our meeting room is booked by another organization in February, thus the February meeting will be held in the Main Building, old meeting room, please use side door. Chris Schotz, This
will be the last year for New York State Water Fowl Stamps, Each year
they make a set of prints, Chris would like to purchase prints for
Federation to use in future Fundraising events. CLUB REPORTS |
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County Federation of Conservation Clubs December 2003 Meeting held on
the 17th at 7:05pm. Called to order by President Greg Tessman at 4-H
Bldg., Lockport. Pledge
to the flag Guest
No Speaker Minutes: Motion
to accept the November minutes was made by Tom Miles, 2nd by Pam Motion
to accept the financial report presented by Gordon Botting Sr. was made
by Dale Dunkelburger 2nd by Gerry Bennett, carried. (Received 25% grants
money $500.00 check for drill grant). Sick
Harry Merrill had a second stroke and is not doing well, Bob Kerns is
under the weather. Correspondence: State Senator George Maziarz office is researching laws stating that NCFCC
is an arm of the legislature. This will support our MOI position. Nominations: President,
Greg Tessmann Vice
President, Chris Schotz Treasurer,
Gordon Botting Sr. Secretary,
John Butcher NYSCC
Delagate, Dale Dunkelburger NYSCC
Alternate, Jerry Bennett WNY
Waterfowl Task Force, Don Bronson There
were no other motions from the floor. Motion
by for acting secretary to cast one vote for all nominations by Dale
Dunkelburger, 2nd Tom 1.
Niagara County Legislature held its budget meeting last night,
Legislature Bill Davignon introduced resolution B38 to restore our
funding of approximately $5900.00. Resolution passed 17-2. Chris Schotz
informed the federation we need to give a special thanks to Legislator
Bill Davignon for his support of the NCFCC. 2.
Pres. Greg Tessman took the initiative to write letters asking
legislature for their support and to ask for our funds back. A round of
applause for Greg’s efforts. Don Bronson and Chris Schotz spoke at
Legislature about NCFCC, who we are and what we do in the community. 3.
Dale Dunkelburger suggested NCFCC push to get a memorandum of
understanding that we be the conservation arms of the legislature. 4.
Pres. Greg Tessmann reported that he has been in contact with
Tonawanda Sportsmen Club and is planning a summer shoot as a major
fundraiser. Will get confirmation from Tonawanda Sportsmen Club on exact
date by next meeting. Encouraged all to get involved will need a lot
help to pull this event off. Sport
NYS Power Authority Relicensing Committee is reforming, one of their
first topics will be sport fishing. Small
Game: Chris Schotz reported snow is on the ground and there is an
abundance of rabbits, encouraging everyone to get out and enjoy the
season. 4H
Pheasant Program: No Report Water
No Report Big
Game: Dale Dunkelburger reported that he visited local taxidermy and
deer- processing agents that deer take seems to be down from last year.
Will give an update report after NYS Conservation Council meeting. Hunter
Dale Dunkelburger reported that there would be a Hunter Education
Workshop in Balsom Spa in January and a 4H Shooting Coordinator Workshop
in Silver Lake in February. Habitat:
Gerry Bennett reminded delegates that grant applications for Habitat
Stamp Money are due by March, any one interested should contact Greg
Tessman. Niagara
County Fair:
No Report C.F.A.B.: No Report Region
9 Fish and Wild Life Board: No Report NYS
State Conservation Council: Tabled to January meeting Firearm
No Report Awards
No Report Patches:
Pam Leaderhouse reported she is working on patches for 2004, working on
mock up for manufacturer. Raffle:
No report Rosters:
John Butcher reported that many clubs will be holding Annual Elections
in December please turn updated club roster in ASAP so we can update the
mailing list. Youth
Don Bronson reported that we need a pool of hunter education instructors
that are willing to travel and teach as needed. Many classes are over
booked and need additional man power. OLD
NCFCC was hoping to have County Clerk Wayne Jagow as a quest speaker,
but nobody set it up at our end. Pres. Greg Tessman reported that the
restrictions being reported on pistol permits are just rumors. Permits
are being issued as applied for, target, hunting and carry. Applicants
must be careful when filling out applications to apply for what the
actually want. NEW
Daul has a new web site and is willing to promote NCFCC on it. We can
put our minutes on it and other relevant information on it. Mike
Zigata (ex. DEC Commissioner) is forming a new statewide sportsmen
organization. CLUB
of the N.R.A.: John Butcher reported that the N.R.A. state grant meeting
was held November 8th and Niagara and Orleans Counties got over 15,000
in grant money. All local grants were at least partially funded, those
grants related to youth programs, education, and range improvements did
best. 2004 banquet date will be on Saturday, March 27, 2004. Motion
to adjourn, Pam Leaderhouse, 2nd Tom Miles, carried Respectfully
submitted, |
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